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Note: Cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance!
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Often up to $196*
Image of Dr. Ahmed Abdelaal
Dr. Ahmed Abdelaal Physical Therapist
4.90 (52) • $
Often up to $196*

Image of Dr. Mikhail Ilyabayev
Dr. Mikhail Ilyabayev Physical Therapist
1.00 (1) • $
Often up to $264*

Image of Dr. Alejandro Mariano
Dr. Alejandro Mariano Physical Therapist
4.50 (2) • $$
Often up to $605*

Image of Dr. Ofir Isaac
Dr. Ofir Isaac Physical Therapist
4.41 (17) • $
Often up to $264*

Often up to $264*
Image of Dr. Connor Cronan
Dr. Connor Cronan Physical Therapist
5.00 (2) • $
Often up to $264*

Image of Dr. Leila Wong
Dr. Leila Wong Physical Therapist
5.00 (3) • $
Often up to $264*

Often up to $304*
Image of Dr. Hoiman Poon
Dr. Hoiman Poon Physical Therapist
5.00 (7) • $$
Often up to $304*

Comment Icon "Werry professional doctor !!! "
Often up to $264*
Image of Dr. Aydin Yilmaz
Dr. Aydin Yilmaz Physical Therapist
5.00 (11) • $
Comment Icon "Werry professional doctor !!! "
Often up to $264*

Comment Icon "Please don't go to this man he removed my fibroids 10years ago and I have never been able to conceive after...I have 2 children after his surgery NOT ONE PREGNANCY! AND HE GETS ANNOYED WHEN YOU ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS "
Often up to $264*
Image of Dr. Page Baker
Dr. Page Baker Physical Therapist
3.00 (2) • $
Comment Icon "Please don't go to this man he removed my fibroids 10years ago and I have never been able to conceive after...I have 2 children after his surgery NOT ONE PREGNANCY! AND HE GETS ANNOYED WHEN YOU ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS "
Often up to $264*

Comment Icon "Dr Ahmed is covering for another Dr this weekend. We've never seen or dealt with her and never will. An on call Dr should call back, 1st call was approximately 7:30 this morning. Shame on her. "
Often up to $196*
Image of Dr. Sarah Ahmed
Dr. Sarah Ahmed Physical Therapist
4.84 (64) • $
Comment Icon "Dr Ahmed is covering for another Dr this weekend. We've never seen or dealt with her and never will. An on call Dr should call back, 1st call was approximately 7:30 this morning. Shame on her. "
Often up to $196*

Often up to $264*
Image of Dr. Pavel Khromchenko
Dr. Pavel Khromchenko Physical Therapist
4.50 (256) • $
Often up to $264*

Image of Dr. Yelena Vaynshtok
Dr. Yelena Vaynshtok Physical Therapist
5.00 (31) • $
Often up to $264*

Frequently Asked Questions

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We've simplified browsing and booking physical therapy visits appointments in Bay Ridge, replacing endless internet searches with a streamlined process.

Reviews and biographies for providers:

We list many licensed physical therapy visits providers in Bay Ridge. You can view their profiles to check their bios, education, and reviews to find your best match.
The average cost for physical therapy visits in Bay Ridge is $216.99, based on a total of 12 data points from providers in Bay Ridge.
Certainly Health lists 12 medical doctors that offer physical therapy visits in Bay Ridge.
A physical therapy visit in Bay Ridge will cost an average of $216.99 with a medical doctor.
Physical Therapy Consultation reviews for providers in Bay Ridge, NY
Google logo Google review for Dr. Aydin Yilmaz
5.0 (1)
Jun 23, 2020• uktam hamroqulov
Werry professional doctor !!!
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star