Zipora Herzberg has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time.
The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Zipora Herzberg has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time.
The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
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Education and Background
Mental Health Care, specializing in: Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues, Women's Issues
NPI number
4.20Based on 1 platform
Certainly reviews are by verified patients who booked on Certainly and we confirmed saw the provider
Google review
Jan 30, 2021•Summer Shock
She is very thoughtful and made me feel normal and valid even though I was struggling with my self worth when attending therapy. She is very caring and very intelligent as well. She also is responsible and works hard to help. Recomend highly!
Google review
Jun 17, 2020•sara s
She was cheerful and also empathetic I am very reserved but she helped me open up.she made me feel comfortable Awesome dr!
Google review
Feb 7, 2019•Inna Aronova
She is a horrible an worst therapist and person that I have met in my whole life. She is a very not nice person. She is filled with arrogance, high ego and is a big shot and she is too controlling and too manipulative. Because she is high class and makes a lot of money, she looks down at someone that is lower class and much lower than them and she thinks that she is smarter and better than everyone. I would strongly recommend that you do not go to her at all costs.
with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation with medical services
up to $118*
Individual psychotherapy
up to $124*
Individual psychotherapy, 30 minutes
up to $79*
Individual psychotherapy, 45 minutes
up to $124*
Individual psychotherapy, 60 minutes
up to $124*
Psychotherapy for crisis
up to $188*
Psychotherapy for crisis, first 60 minutes
up to $188*
Psychotherapy for crisis, each additional 30 minutes
up to $75*
up to $124*
Family psychotherapy
up to $128*
Family psychotherapy (without the patient present), 50 minutes
up to $128*
Family psychotherapy (with the patient present), 50 minutes
up to $128*
Group psychotherapy
up to $66*
Multiple-family group psychotherapy
up to $66*
Group psychotherapy (other than of a multiple-family group)
up to $66*
Neurobehavioral status exam
up to $122*
Neurobehavioral status exam
up to $122*
Neurobehavioral status exam, each additional hour
up to $122*
Psychological testing
up to $194*
Brief emotional/behavioral assessment
up to $9*
Psychological testing evaluation services by a psychologist or physician, first hour
up to $172*
Psychological testing evaluation services by a psychologist or physician, each additional hour
up to $130*
Neuropsychological testing evaluation services by a psychologist or physician, first hour
up to $194*
Neuropsychological testing evaluation services by a psychologist or physician, each additional hour
up to $122*
Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a technician, first 30 minutes
up to $73*
Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a technician, each additional 30 minutes
up to $67*
Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional, first 30 minutes
up to $62*
Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional, each additional 30 minutes
up to $62*
Health and behavior assessment
up to $125*
Health behavior assessment or reassessment
up to $125*
Health and behavior intervention
up to $91*
Health behavior intervention, individual, face-to-face; initial 30 minutes
up to $85*
Health behavior intervention, individual, face-to-face; each additional 15 minutes
up to $30*
Health behavior intervention, group (2 or more patients), face-to-face; initial 30 minutes
up to $10*
Health behavior intervention, group (2 or more patients), face-to-face; each additional 15 minutes
up to $6*
Health behavior intervention, family (with the patient present), face-to-face; initial 30 minutes
up to $91*
Health behavior intervention, family (with the patient present), face-to-face; each additional 15 minutes
up to $33*
Health behavior intervention, family (without the patient present), face-to-face; initial 30 minutes
up to $31*
Health behavior intervention, family (without the patient present), face-to-face; each additional 15 minutes
up to $31*
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Price Breakdown
Typical treatment path for Psychotherapy Intake / Initial Visit These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Psychotherapy Intake / Initial Visit appointment.
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Most common service(s)
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Other service(s)
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation with medical services
up to $118*
Predicted total:
up to $120*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)
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Your payment options
Free Consultation + Pay Now
• Choose to get treated in the same visit or not
Free Consultation + Pay Later
• Choose to get treated in the same visit or not
• No payment if no treatment is received
Appointment Scheduling
This provider's schedule is not available online, so please provide at least 3 dates and times that work for you.
We'll send you an appointment date within one business day.
We'll send you an appointment date/time within one business day.
If the provider is not available during your preferred times, we will notify you of alternative times or offer similar providers available during these times.
Appointment Scheduling
You can call Zipora Herzberg's office at (516) 239-6770 to book an appointment.
Note that Certainly Health operates independently of many providers, so the provider may not be aware of us.
We list prices for all providers, including non-partners, to help you find the most affordable care for you.
Please select a valid appointment date and time, or choose to tell us later.
Price Breakdown
Typical treatment path for Psychotherapy Intake / Initial Visit These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Psychotherapy Intake / Initial Visit appointment.
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Most common service(s)
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
up to $120*
Other service(s)
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation with medical services
up to $118*
Predicted total:
up to $120*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)
Appointment withZipora Herzberg
Available Appointments
30 Westover Pl, Lawrence, NY 11559
Why your exact treatment may differ from the examples
Upon evaluating your specific condition, the provider may do more or fewer services that could change the final cost.
The predicted total shown is for services often done during visits with the selected reason.