Image of Karen Hyams, RD
Image of Karen Hyams, RD

Karen Hyams, RD

Dietician / Nutritionist

5.00 (26)
Karen Hyams, RD has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Karen Hyams, RD has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Education and training

Dietician / Nutritionist
NPI number


5.00 Based on
1 platform
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5.0 (26)
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Aug 19, 2022 Mayra Mahmood
I just transferred to Dr.Wong and I am a First Time Mom. I was so impressed at his level of detail and how smart he is. He is very respectful and funny too. He did everything to make my husband and I feel comfortable. I also love the fact he didn’t sugarcoat anything and gave us the truth, with all the details. The facility is very nice and the staff accommodating. We were immediately greeted and welcomed. It makes me confident to choose to have my baby here.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Apr 28, 2022 Katharine Smith
Dr. Wong has excellent bed side manner. He is kind, professional and overall the best OBGYN that I’ve ever been to. He takes time to explain everything that is happening in a way that makes it easy to understand and not scary. He makes you feel like you are his only patient and priority. I’m so lucky I found Dr. Wong.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Aug 7, 2022 Sharyn Daniels
Dr. Wong is phenomenal. He is professional inviting and answers any and all of your questions in a way that you understand. He explains what will happen the day of your exam and why. I really appreciate his great bedside manners. He takes away any anxiety I may have.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Jul 27, 2022 Sherice Levy
My visit with Dr. Wong was via Zoom. It was short but it went along smoothly. I felt comfortable speaking to him and had an inkling that if he were my main OB/GYN, we’d have a good doctor/patient relationship too. Two thumbs up.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Aug 4, 2022 Mary Monfiletto
Dr. Raymond Wong is very pleasant. Takes his time to explain procedures and explain test results. He is very gentle and can’t feel any pain after my visit with him. The office is clean and well organized.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

Medical nutrition therapy
up to $135*
First visit, per 15 minutes
up to $135*
Each subsequent visit, per 15 minutes
up to $117*
Group visit (2 or more people), 30 minutes
up to $62*

Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Nutrition Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Nutrition Consultation appointment.
Medical nutrition therapy
up to $135*
Most common service(s)
First visit, per 15 minutes
up to $135*
Other service(s)
Each subsequent visit, per 15 minutes
up to $117*
Group visit (2 or more people), 30 minutes
up to $62*

Predicted total:
up to $135*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)