Image of Dr. Robert Tamayev
Image of Dr. Robert Tamayev

Dr. Robert Tamayev

Allergist (Immunologist), Internal Medicine

4.81 (398)

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Education and Background

Education and training

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Allergist (Immunologist), Internal Medicine
NPI number


4.81 Based on
2 platforms
Zocdoc logo Zocdoc
4.8 (370)
Google logo Google
5.0 (28)
Google logo Google review
Apr 6, 2022 F PD
Dr Tamayev's polite bedside manner made my three year old feel at ease during his visit here. My son has allergy symptoms and has had a two month cough that has no subsided but after my consultation with him; i feel better and know that my sons condition shall improve. Over all the front desk staff and nurses are very nice and make conversation with you. They make you feel as if your not just a check but as if they actually love their job and that is important to me. PS he sees kids and adults, will be bringing myself in to get check Thank you Dr Tamayev and staff
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Jun 20, 2022 Alexander Paykin
Dr. Tamayev is awesome! A friendly and knowledgeable professional in every way! Highly recomme3dnd speaking to him as to any allergy need. he is able to provide more useful information in 30 seconds on the phone than most doctors do in an entire visit. And he's easy to get a fairly last minute appointment with, provided you BOOK ONLINE. Tip form experience: However, avoid calling the Astoria location like the plague! Worst receptionists ever! Rude, obnoxious and clueless. Couldn't answer whether the doctor sees children without putting me on hold. Then, asked which insurance I had and again put me on hold. Asked stupid questions that don't relate to my insurance. Ultimately, hung up on me after I pointed out that I had already checked that he was in-network on Zocdoc, after I suggested that I could have made the appointment on there but figured I would call in, as that would save them money and make sure the doctor was available. Her last words were to the effect of 'well go there then'. All I had wanted was an appointment for an allergy consult for a10 month old. Instead, she wound me up to a point where I need to go meditate somewhere!
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Sep 13, 2022 Thanasi Georgiou
Doctor is very friendly and helpful. Genuinely listens to your concerns and is very accommodating. Staff is also very nice. Definitely recommend.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Feb 8, 2022 Dexterie Perez, RN
My 4-year-old daughter had a pleasant experience here. Dr. Tamayev was kind with kids. He was thorough in explaining my child's diagnosis and I'm confident her medical issues will be resolved. The nurse did a great job in handling my daughter's spirometry test. The front desk was accommodating. Overall i give this team 5 stars.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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May 1, 2022 Savannah Roger
Dr. Tamayev is very professional, clearly extremely well-versed in the field. Wait times were very short and the staff were all very accommodating and kind. Definitely recommending him to all my friends and family.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $539*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $201*
Low complexity
up to $286*
Moderate complexity
up to $430*
High complexity
up to $539*
Allergy test(s) with prick/scratch
up to $62*
Per allergen via prick (up to 60-70 units)
up to $13*
Per dilution of venom (up to 12-15 units)
up to $24*
Per dilution of drug (up to 60-70 units)
up to $62*
Per allergen via injection (up to 60-70 units)
up to $25*
Per airborne allergen with injection (up to 60-70 units)
up to $15*
Per allergen with injection, wait for 24-72 hours for delayed reaction
up to $39*
Per allergen patch test (taping on back)
up to $18*
Allergy shots
up to $47*
Injection of antigen that has been mixed by another physician; single injection
up to $28*
Injection of antigen that has been mixed by another physician; two or more injections
up to $32*
Allergy shot, including mixing of antigen; single injection
up to $14*
Allergy shot, including mixing of antigen; two or more injections
up to $16*
Single dose mixing of antigens to be injected by another physician
up to $42*
Multiple dose mixing of multiple antigens to be injected by another physician
up to $41*
Injection of drug
up to $47*
Breathing (spirometry) test
up to $171*
Breathing (spirometry) test
up to $102*
Breathing (spirometry) test before/after given bronchodilator (medication to ease breathing)
up to $171*
Breathing (spirometry) test after deliberately inducing bronchospasm (wheezing)
up to $169*
Oral food challenge
up to $336*
First 61-120 mins
up to $336*
After 150 mins
up to $233*
Other allergy testing
up to $136*
Photo patch testing (taping allergens on back and exposing to light)
up to $21*
Photo tests (exposing skin to light)
up to $136*
Lung function test
up to $113*
Inhaler demo
up to $51*
Test eye for allergic reactions (ophthalmic mucous membrane tests)
up to $103*
Test nose for allergic reactions (direct nasal mucous membrane test)
up to $77*
Removal of ear wax
up to $280*
Inhaler demo
up to $51*
Nasal endoscopy (test to examine inside of nose and sinuses)
up to $806*
Injection of complex drug (e.g. monoclonal antibodies)
up to $231*
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Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Allergy Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Allergy Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $539*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Low complexity
up to $286*
Other service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $201*
Moderate complexity
up to $430*
High complexity
up to $539*

Predicted total:
up to $286*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)