Image of Dr. Robert Lerch
Image of Dr. Robert Lerch

Dr. Robert Lerch

Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor (ENT / Otolaryngologist)

3.77 (229)
Dr. Robert Lerch has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Dr. Robert Lerch has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Education and training

George Washington University School of Medicine
Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor (ENT / Otolaryngologist)
NPI number


3.77 Based on
3 platforms
Zocdoc logo Zocdoc
4.1 (200)
Google logo Google
1.5 (15)
Yelp logo Yelp
1.5 (14)
Google logo Google review
Jun 3, 2022 Dominick
This guy decided to have a temper tantrum after he poorly planned and incorrectly timed my blood test. He was persistently rude, and would have a nurse communicate with me in the waiting room (directly outside his office, where I could see him lounging around) instead of talking to me face to face like a human being. If you like being yelled at for the mistakes of other people, and being treated as a mere annoyance during every visit, then he is your guy!
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star
Google logo Google review
Jun 30, 2022 massnyc mass
This doctors should NOT be allowed to practice medicine. He is not capable to help people. He is rude, arrogant and has no compassion for people. I had an appointment to discus my blood test results which are bad and was not given any advice or help. Instead the doctor was laughing in my face like it was some kind of joke. Please avoid as this doctor will only take your money without nothing in return.
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star
Google logo Google review
Jun 30, 2022 Monika M
Beyond shocked how bad this doctor is. After bad blood tests results my brother was dismissed without any further advice. This is not the first time and I can see from other reviews this doctors practice is playing with peoples life and should be closed down! I will now consider a formal complaint as this has to stop!
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $783*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $286*
Low complexity
up to $412*
Moderate complexity
up to $623*
High complexity
up to $783*
Hearing tests
up to $103*
Hearing screening (test changing frequency with same loudness to detect hearing problems)
up to $16*
Pure tone audiometry (test changing loudness + frequency to identify lowest threshold patient can hear)
up to $103*
Acid reflux (GERD) tests
up to $772*
Esophageal manometry (esophagus test)
up to $772*
Acid reflux pH test
up to $598*
Laryngoscopy (exam of back of throat)
up to $516*
Nasal endoscopy (using tube with camera to examine nose)
up to $1206*
Nasal endoscopy (test to examine inside of nose and sinuses)
up to $967*
Nasal endoscopy, with surgery to remove blockage in sinuses
up to $820*
Nasal endoscopy, with surgery to remove blockage and tissue in sinuses
up to $1206*
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Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for ENT Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their ENT Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $783*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Low complexity
up to $412*
Other service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $286*
Moderate complexity
up to $623*
High complexity
up to $783*

Predicted total:
up to $412*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)