Google review
Jul 12, 2022• Wanda Singh
If there was an option for "no star" Dr. Yeo would have earned it. It was the Most embarrassing, uncomfortable and unprofessional experience I have had with a doctors visit. I was asked to sit in a room with an examining table. After the routine questions and Tests (Blood Pressure and Temperature) I was told to wait for the doctor. After a while a young lady came in with a computer, she didn't say anything, stood by the sink, continued working on her computer. The doctor came in, started going over what she read about the reason for my visit. This is where I found her and the entire experience APPALLING and HUMILIATING. She said she will do an examination and "I want you to drop your pants and underwear to your knees, lay on the table on your side and bring your knees up to the fetal position" as close to what I remembered. I then asked her, where is the curtain, and am I doing this in the presence of the nurse she had called in and the other lady? She said yes. I need the nurse here to hold up this piece of "so called" protection to cover you... Because I was eager to know what was going on, I did as she suggested.
As she was doing her examination, she commented on what she saw in my colon and the additional comments she made, ALL of which the nurse and this strange woman to hear.
Where is her office? This is where you take the patient back to your office to go over whatever it is you'd like to discuss with them. IN PRIVATE... From my years of visiting Weil Cornell, it seems as if, it's all about numbers and NO CARE for the privacy of their patients.
Maybe you need to send them over to Columbia Presbyterian to take lessons on "how to treat a patient." My Primary care physician is
Dr. Santini, I have been seeing her since 2011, during my visits with her, she never checked my ears, nose, throat. She just breezes through her questions on "do you want this or that?" On my second to last visit with her, I asked, "aren't you going to check my ears?" Her response, "you want me to check that?" Excuse me, isn't this what a good and thorough physician should do, automatically. I expressed my feelings and concerns to her on my last visit, her response was, "you can get another doctor if you want." I know I can, I am just letting you know that I AM NOT A NUMBER...
When I had my Colonoscopy back in 2013 with Dr. Frissora, after it was done, she never spoke to me about anything, we'll let you know, check the Portal...
Had this been FLOTUS, would she have been treated this way? Or, ONLY people with money and status are given respect?
It is very sad and disappointing that our Health Care Professionals, the people we give respect to, many do NOT CARE...