Image of Dr. Margaret Brill
Image of Dr. Margaret Brill

Dr. Margaret Brill

Physical Therapist

5.00 (31)
Dr. Margaret Brill has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Dr. Margaret Brill has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Physical Therapist
NPI number


5.00 Based on
1 platform
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5.0 (31)
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Jul 13, 2022 Janice Cobb
Peggy Brill’s unique combination of unparalleled human anatomy and physiology, coupled with innate compassion and sensitivity, has truly wrought miracles in my physical transformation! Thanks to Peggy, I am, lifting 165 pounds in a pelvic thrust!
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Feb 18, 2023 Philip Tanen
Peggy Brill is a phenomenal Physical Therapist and caring health provider. On September 1st I dislocated my left shoulder in a bike accident on Randall's Island. While in the emergency room Peggy assisted the staff via the phone in resetting my arm back into place. Upon reviewing my MRI she was able to provide me relief and a therapy schedule for me in conjunction with treatment to heal myself avoiding a surgery. It's 5 months from the accident and I am back in the gym continuing to follow my daily physical therapy plan. The intensity of Peggy's prescribed treatment plan gradually became more challenging enabling me to remove the sling after 90 days :). This is not my first rodeo with Peggy. In 1990 after surviving a 300' rock climbing fall in North Conway NH Peggy was there for me re-teaching me how to walk and sit. Peggy has unparalleled knowledge of how the body can heal itself with the appropriate treatment and care. I am grateful for her care and skill and feel fortunate that this PT angel came into my life... Philip Tanen
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Mar 31, 2022 Veronica Brennan
I am extremely grateful for Brill PT. I woke up one morning with Vertigo which was a scary experience. My doctor referred me to Brill PT. I was fortunate to have Peggy as my therapist. Her experience, expertise and positive attitude will make all the difference in your recovery. She goes the extra mile to ensure you recover from your situation and gives you the tools to assist with staying healthy. As per her recommendation work ordered me an ergonomic chair which has made all the difference for me sitting at a computer all day long. The app she uses to share exercises with her patients is fantastic. It is great to be able to refer to your customized exercise program to ensure you are doing everything correctly. Exercises provided will help me in my daiy life. She is the best and her great sense of humor made the experience that much more enjoyable. I highly recommend Peggy and though I hope I never need PT again if I do I would want Peggy to be my therapist!!
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Nov 16, 2020 Sophie Hasse
I have been a patient of Peggy Brill for over 2 months. She is THE BEST physical therapist and one of the most important pieces to my recovery from Covid related issues. She is a ray of positive sunshine and has believed that I would get better from the first day I met her. I look forward to starting my day in her office as I always leave feeling better physically and mentally. She is an amazing healer informed by her vast knowledge of the human body. Her abilities are unparalleled and I strongly believe there isn’t anything Peggy Brill cannot make better. Highly recommend.
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Apr 28, 2022 Michelle Miller
I started seeing Peggy at 2 weeks postpartum for pelvic pain and diastasis recti. A couple months later, my pelvic pain is gone and she has me working through a program that has and will continue to close my diastasis recti by the expected timeline for postpartum recovery. I looked forward to my sessions with her; she wanted to hear detailed updates on how I was feeling overall and specific to what we were working on. She was encouraging and motivating, and she challenged me in a way that showed she truly cared! At the same time, she worked with my 2 month old to address his favoring of one side of his head. She was knowledgeable about helping him, and most importantly, gentle and kind with him! Highly recommend Peggy to anyone looking for a physical therapist!
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

Physical therapy evaluation (new patient)
up to $106*
Low complexity (up to 20 min for evaluation)
up to $106*
Moderate complexity (up to 30 min for evaluation)
up to $106*
Physical therapy exercises
up to $79*
Therapeutic Exercise to improve strength, endurance, range of motion, flexibility (per 15 min)
up to $79*
Neuromuscular Re-Education (per 15 min)
up to $79*
Manual therapy (per 15 min)
up to $79*

Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Physical Therapy Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Physical Therapy Consultation appointment.
Physical therapy evaluation (new patient)
up to $106*
Most common service(s)
Low complexity (up to 20 min for evaluation)
up to $106*
Other service(s)
Moderate complexity (up to 30 min for evaluation)
up to $106*

Physical therapy exercises
up to $79*
Most common service(s)
Therapeutic Exercise to improve strength, endurance, range of motion, flexibility (per 15 min)
up to $79*
Manual therapy (per 15 min)
up to $79*
Other service(s)
Neuromuscular Re-Education (per 15 min)
up to $79*

Predicted total:
up to $264*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)