Image of Dr. Jayasri Indaram
Image of Dr. Jayasri Indaram

Dr. Jayasri Indaram

Allergist (Immunologist)

4.20 (12)
Dr. Jayasri Indaram has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Dr. Jayasri Indaram has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Education and training

Allergist (Immunologist)
NPI number


4.20 Based on
1 platform
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4.2 (12)
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Jul 18, 2019 Gabby
Had a great experience today. I brought by 2 year old son in to see Dr. Indaram. She was so sweet and kind to him. He was very receptive to her and I believe that made him very comfortable, especially being that it was a new environment. We did not wait long to be seen and the appointment went very well. The front desk staff were friendly and efficient. Great all-around experience. I would highly Recommended Dr. Indaram.
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Nov 2, 2021 Natalie Barna
The entire staff is lovely and friendly. Especially Helen who works the front desk (blonde hair) she always has a smile on her face and is very friendly.
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Feb 4, 2019 Cassandra Chandrabhan
Dr. Indaram is a complete sweetheart. She makes sure she gets to the root of whatever problem you have. Her front staff however are a bunch of rude women. I always have to catch an attitude with them. Never can understand how such a sweet lady has terrible front staff.
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Nov 1, 2021 Lala 3234
The doctor is very sweet but the lady at the front who is blonde and white is very rude and has no patience but the nice girl with the hijab is super sweet
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Apr 3, 2022 Krys
Never coming here again. First, place is small and they have the waiting room packed. Half the ppl there weren't wearing masks. Then she's going back and forth between patients rushing. First testing I had certain parts swollen and she kept saying there was no allergy since it's not red. So she tried a second time and again certain spots were swollen but she claimed 3 of them were a reaction (they weren't red btw so wonder what made her choose them hmmm). To then tell me 3 different things but on the paper it said different. Why? Cause she rushed to another client and did my paperwork after. When I got home the spots I pointed out were red and the next day were even more red and itching. 7 spots total btw. She also then tried to lie to me saying there's no testing to check for allergies towards chemicals in products and medication. Which I knew there was because my cousin got it done and it's the patch testing. Beginning of my appointment I made it aware to her that I know for a fact I'm very allergic to certain Ingredients in products and certain medications and needed to know what exactly. Instead she gave me the other testing for food and pollen and that's when she tried to lie after about the patch testing. I ended up being here for 2 and 1/2 hrs when each test takes 20 mins. Never again. Waste of complete time. I will be seeing another doctor for this.
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $225*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $98*
Low complexity
up to $134*
Moderate complexity
up to $179*
High complexity
up to $225*
Allergy test(s) with prick/scratch
up to $20*
Per allergen via prick (up to 60-70 units)
up to $6*
Per dilution of venom (up to 12-15 units)
up to $8*
Per dilution of drug (up to 60-70 units)
up to $20*
Per allergen via injection (up to 60-70 units)
up to $8*
Per airborne allergen with injection (up to 60-70 units)
up to $5*
Per allergen with injection, wait for 24-72 hours for delayed reaction
up to $13*
Per allergen patch test (taping on back)
up to $6*
Allergy shots
up to $28*
Injection of antigen that has been mixed by another physician; single injection
up to $13*
Injection of antigen that has been mixed by another physician; two or more injections
up to $15*
Allergy shot, including mixing of antigen; single injection
up to $14*
Allergy shot, including mixing of antigen; two or more injections
up to $16*
Single dose mixing of antigens to be injected by another physician
up to $18*
Multiple dose mixing of multiple antigens to be injected by another physician
up to $13*
Injection of drug
up to $28*
Breathing (spirometry) test
up to $81*
Breathing (spirometry) test
up to $48*
Breathing (spirometry) test before/after given bronchodilator (medication to ease breathing)
up to $81*
Breathing (spirometry) test after deliberately inducing bronchospasm (wheezing)
up to $81*
Oral food challenge
up to $158*
First 61-120 mins
up to $158*
After 150 mins
up to $111*
Other allergy testing
up to $53*
Photo patch testing (taping allergens on back and exposing to light)
up to $7*
Photo tests (exposing skin to light)
up to $44*
Lung function test
up to $53*
Inhaler demo
up to $23*
Test eye for allergic reactions (ophthalmic mucous membrane tests)
up to $50*
Test nose for allergic reactions (direct nasal mucous membrane test)
up to $36*
Removal of ear wax
up to $65*
Inhaler demo
up to $23*
Nasal endoscopy (test to examine inside of nose and sinuses)
up to $427*
Injection of complex drug (e.g. monoclonal antibodies)
up to $206*
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Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Allergy Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Allergy Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $225*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Low complexity
up to $134*
Other service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $98*
Moderate complexity
up to $179*
High complexity
up to $225*

Predicted total:
up to $134*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)