Image of Dr. Jay Heller
Image of Dr. Jay Heller

Dr. Jay Heller


4.85 (135)

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Education and Background

Education and training

New York Chiropractic College
NPI number


4.85 Based on
3 platforms
Zocdoc logo Zocdoc
4.9 (96)
Google logo Google
5.0 (18)
Yelp logo Yelp
4.5 (21)
Google logo Google review
Dec 21, 2019 Davi Beck
Dr. Heller is truly the best, I refer everyone I know to him. He makes such a difference in my life; a quick visit is instant relief. I have tons of stiffness from sitting at a computer all day every day for so many years and have seen other chiropractors that rush and are way too rough. He can always fit me into his schedule, he really listens, and I leave feeling like I’m walking on a cloud. Honestly can not say enough wonderful things!
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May 10, 2019 Jean Vargas
Dr. Heller has a depth of knowledge paired with a wonderful sense of humor that is second to none. My first visit was due to a bike injury and I was sure I'd never ride again. That was 5 years ago and I believe my body is in better shape than it has been in nearly 10 years. I go to him every month or two for an adjustment and plan on doing so until he retires.
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Jul 25, 2018 Jeanine Molock
Dr. Heller is an amazing chiropractor! He takes a holistic approach to treatment. Sometimes I wait too long between visits and my body becomes unhappy with me. My body will not hesitate to tell me when it is time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Heller (like it is telling me today). And when I leave his office, my body and spirit both feel a lot better. I am on my way, Dr. Heller. It is past time for me to get back to my routine visits.
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Sep 7, 2015 Marjorie Becker
Dr. Heller has treated me on and off over the last 3 years. He's not one of those chiropractors that tries to get you in for the rest of your life. He's really concerned with your overall health and has always treated me with the utmost care. When I switched jobs and and had different work related pain he customized my treatment and even spent extra time with me when I was having a lot of pain. He is dedicated to his patients and I highly recommend him.
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May 19, 2014 Jamie Kaufman
I initially saw Dr. Heller after suffering for years from sciatic nerve pain. I had tried a number of other doctors/therapies prior to seeing him and felt absolutely no relief. I was at my wits' end by the time I was referred to him and can honestly say that Dr. Heller changed my life. Since going to Dr. Heller, I am virtually pain free and each time I feel any pain coming on, he alleviates it almost immediately. The fact that he's so caring and has a fantastic sense of humor only add to my fondness for him. I have referred him to anyone and everyone I know and will continue to do so.
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $79*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $59*
Low complexity
up to $66*
Moderate complexity
up to $79*
Chiropractic adjustment
up to $55*
Adjustment on 1-2 spinal regions
up to $40*
Adjustment on 3-4 spinal regions
up to $47*
Adjustment on 5 spinal regions
up to $55*
Adjustment on extraspinal region (e.g. head, lower/upper extremities, etc.), 1 or more regions
up to $40*
Physical therapy exercises
up to $24*
Therapeutic Exercise to improve strength, endurance, range of motion, flexibility (per 15 min)
up to $24*
Neuromuscular Re-Education (per 15 min)
up to $24*
Manual therapy (per 15 min)
up to $24*
Therapeutic ultrasound
up to $20*
Other physical therapy activities/exercises
up to $16*
Electrical Stimulation
up to $16*
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Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Chiropractic Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Chiropractic Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $79*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $59*
Other service(s)
Low complexity
up to $66*
Moderate complexity
up to $79*

Chiropractic adjustment
up to $55*
Most common service(s)
Adjustment on 3-4 spinal regions
up to $47*
Other service(s)
Adjustment on 1-2 spinal regions
up to $40*
Adjustment on 5 spinal regions
up to $55*
Adjustment on extraspinal region (e.g. head, lower/upper extremities, etc.), 1 or more regions
up to $40*

Predicted total:
up to $106*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)