Image of Dr. Gianni Persich
Image of Dr. Gianni Persich

Dr. Gianni Persich

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

3.40 (18)
Dr. Gianni Persich has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Dr. Gianni Persich has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Education and training

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
NPI number


3.40 Based on
1 platform
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3.4 (18)
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Jan 17, 2021 Ismaell Omer
Dr. Persich and his team are amazing. His hands are a gift from GOD. I injured my ankle bad at work and needed surgery, I was referred to him, at first I was afraid & nervous however he showed and explained to me about the surgery. Dr. Persich ensured to do his best without leaving a large scar. He kept his word and the results were great. Thank you so much. I will definitely recommend dr. Persich and his team who are all professional and reliable. They call back to fit you in an appointment date & time that best works for you. If you want proof of a successful surgery, I will show you my results.
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Oct 3, 2018 Paula Macias
Execellent doctor he’s so professional & friendly makes the process of getting surgery so much smoother. Extremely happy with this doctor. Would definitely recommend him if you having any problem with your ankles or feet.
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Feb 10, 2021 paula Flores
Great doctor and great staff he has great professionalism and bedside manor. Wouldn't see any other dr. Been seeing him over 1.5 yrs.
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Dec 1, 2018 Sergio Reyes
Great Doctor and trust me i had several foot doctors due to my accident and Dr. Persich was the best out of all. Highly recommend him
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Dec 10, 2019 Ryan S
Terrible doctor. I came in 5 years ago, I was 20 years old. I came in for flat feet pain. He insistently advised on an invasive procedure that would cure all of my flat foot issues. He opted for a surgery called (subtalar arthroereisis) that holds no medical soundness and is often thought of as a procedure to trick patients into a false belief of comfort for an issue that can be fixed with orthotics and other forms of conservative treatment. He completely skipped all conservative treatments and made it seem like this surgery would be my be all, end all for my foot pain. Long story short, I went along with the procedure and now five years later my foot is worse than it has ever been. I had to get a second surgery to remove the implant in which he placed in my ankle. I’d just like to warn the public that this man is not to be trusted. You are warned!
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $225*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $98*
Low complexity
up to $134*
Moderate complexity
up to $179*
High complexity
up to $225*
X-ray of foot
up to $59*
2 X-ray views
up to $53*
3 X-ray views
up to $59*
X-ray of ankle
up to $64*
2 X-ray views
up to $60*
3 X-ray views
up to $64*
Destruction of lesion (abnormal skin)
up to $125*
Destruction of premalignant lesion (e.g. actinic keratosis); first lesion
up to $74*
Destruction of premalignant lesion (e.g. actinic keratosis); 2-14 lesions
up to $6*
Destruction (eg. electrosurgery, cryosurgery, surgical curettement) of benign lesions (e.g. wart)
up to $125*
Removal of abnormal (e.g. ingrown), diseased, or infected nails
up to $204*
Removal of 1 to 5 abnormal, diseased or infected nails
up to $38*
Removal of 6+ abnormal, diseased or infected nails
up to $77*
Removing nail plate using avulsion
up to $180*
Wedge excision of skin of nail fold
up to $190*
Permanent removal of nail
up to $204*
Trigger point injection (to treat muscle pain)
up to $92*
Injection for plantar fasciitis
up to $89*
Injection into single tendon
up to $68*
Injection into 1-2 muscles
up to $92*
Injection into 3+ muscles
up to $45*
Removal of corns or calluses
up to $89*
Trimming of one callus or corn
up to $64*
Trimming of 2-4 calluses or corns
up to $78*
Trimming of 5+ calluses or corns
up to $89*
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Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Foot Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Foot Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $225*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Low complexity
up to $134*
Other service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $98*
Moderate complexity
up to $179*
High complexity
up to $225*

Predicted total:
up to $134*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)