Image of Dr. Alan Ditchek
Image of Dr. Alan Ditchek

Dr. Alan Ditchek

Infectious Disease Specialist

2.90 (9)
Dr. Alan Ditchek has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:
Dr. Alan Ditchek has no online availability through Certainly Health at this time. The following providers are available for online booking through Certainly Health:


Education and Background

Education and training

Infectious Disease Specialist
NPI number


2.90 Based on
1 platform
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2.9 (9)
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Jan 16, 2020 m “Katie” k
Great, considerate, passionate doctor. Highly recommend. The office staff is also great
Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star Active Star
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Feb 2, 2020 Patricia Surrrey
He's very good at sending you to someone else. He does listen and does seem to care but he is quick to ship you off to a specialist for care that really could be provided in office.
Active Star Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star
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Mar 11, 2022 Nora simchi
No one answering the phone, sometimes it’s days of calling and still no answer. The receptionist are extremely rude. Not maintaining a schedule correctly by the doctor orders probably but they put appointments on lunch time as well so you end up waiting for minimum of an hour to see the doctor for no more than 7 minutes that he gives you.. other times it’s like they schedule 3 people for the same time! I raised the issue twice and today I just left the office very upset after an hour wait without seeing the doctor. I’m annoyed, upset and I’m changing a doctor!!
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star
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Jan 6, 2022 B “Endofdaze” M
Can never get anyone on the phone, you literally have to call all day everyday to get an appointment
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star
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Jul 28, 2021 Chen Aviram
Horrible customer service nobody answering the phone I’ve called for 2 days straight multiple times YOU ARE NO LONGER ON VACATION ITS JULY 28TH!
Active Star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star Inactive star

Costs with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (any - including Anthem, Empire, etc.)

New patient office visit
up to $369*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Minimal complexity
up to $135*
Low complexity
up to $195*
Moderate complexity
up to $294*
High complexity
up to $369*

Price Breakdown

Typical treatment path for Infection Consultation
These are the most common services patients usually receive during their Infection Consultation appointment.
New patient office visit
up to $369*
Providers charge for an "office visit" when discussing treatment for a specific health condition.

It does not include the cost of tests or procedures, and is based on:
  • medical complexity of the health issue (most visits are low complexity)
  • face-to-face time spent with the provider
  • time spent by the provider documenting the encounter
Most common service(s)
Low complexity
up to $195*
Other service(s)
Minimal complexity
up to $135*
Moderate complexity
up to $294*
High complexity
up to $369*

Predicted total:
up to $195*
* depends on your specific insurance (copay, deductible, coverage, etc.)